Auction Every Saturday Night
Preview all day, Saturday starting at 9 AM
Okeechobee, Florida 34974
Auction Every Saturday Night
Preview @ 9am Auction Starts @ 5:30 PM
Every week we fill up with quality items including furniture, tools, household goods, antiques and collectibles, vintage items, new merchandise. Tons of box lots of miscellaneous items. Something for everyone! We accept quality consignments just give us a call. 863-447-9690
Terms: 10% Buyers Premium (cash or check)
15% Buyers Premium (debit or credit)
Sales tax will be charged unless you have a valid 2023 Florida Sales Tax Exemption with you or on file with us!
All items are sold as is unless otherwise stated by auctioneer.
All items must be paid for the night of the auction and items must be removed by 11am the following morning no exceptions.
We appreciate your Business with us!
Charles Holt, Auctioneer
Au4165 Ab4001
10% Cash or check
15% credit or debit
Sales tax will be charged unless you have a tax I’d with you or on file with us
All items sold as is where is unless otherwise specified by the auctioneer
All items must be paid for the night of the auction and removed by 11am the following day
All items must be removed by 11am the following morning no exceptions