Sterling Silver, Ammo, Antiques Live Auction

Keystone Heights, Florida 32656
Keystone Heights, Florida 32656
Another great Friday Night auction coming up as we are having an Antique, Collectibles, and more sale!
We will have
Sterling flatware set that weighs over 58 ounces.
Coca-Cola - Bottles, Carriers, Signs, Home Decor
Antiques- Advertising, Home Decor
Sterling Jewelry- Rings, Necklaces
UF gator items- Jerseys, Signs, Golf Cart
Silver Rounds
Spawn Figurines
Glass- Pink Depression, Fostoria, Heritage, Reamers.
Buyers premium-13 % credit cards, 10 % cash or checks.
Another big auction and I will continue to build the gallery as the auction gets closer.
Auction will take place on September 13th at 7pm, located at 5593 SE 3rd Ave in Keystone Heights.
Concessions on site, Hotdogs, Drinks, Cookies, Candy.
We are right behind the Keystone Inn restaurant, and KCS automotive. Preview will start at 5pm , unless other arrangements are made with the Auctioneer.
Terms are cash, check ( with proper ID) Visa, Mastercard, Discover
AU5236, AB3971